CAN Do 2009 Local Groups 1: Cycle Action Auckland, Cycle Action Waiheke, Bike! Whangarei
Cycle Action Auckland
- New chairperson is Mark Bracey.
- GetAcross project led by Bevan Woodward, campaigning for cycle and pedestrian access to the Auckland Harbour Bridge: demonstration in May with 5000 people. Since then have developed a good working relationship with NZTA and a solution seems possible, possibly involving tolling. Difficult decision to stage demonstration but resolved differences of opinion.
- Frocks on Bikes: Pippa Coom is taking a year out from work and had free time for voluntary work, helped out with Frocks on Bikes by Unity Finesmith (Auckland Cycle Chic blog). Used CAA funding for events, e.g. Frocks Day Out. Frocks get media attention, and get more women on bikes- part of everyday transport experience.
- Big Bike Ride on day of climate change action. Frockers plus cyclists of all persuasions.
- 5 December: Ride Planet Earth, also for climate change action
- Great Urban Rides: use ridges in Auckland, advertise that ridges are good routes, not hilly. Presentation with NextBike, $30K funding from city council, hoping to attract funding from National Cycleway project.
- Barb Cuthbert: building relationships- has been useful despite recession, good relationship with NZTA, e.g. got funding from NZTA to ARTA for motorway signs. Lake Rd (North Shore) has a cycleway, but there is pressure to have it removed- NZTA putting funding pressure on council (will have to pay back subsidies if they remove the cycleway).
- Crashes- huge profile, 2 TV, 7 newspaper and 5 radio interviews. Tamaki Drive working party.
- Kirsten: Veer bike culture film screening attracted 200 people. DVD is available for groups to show- contact Kirsten for details.
- Got $3M funding put back into North Shore annual plan.
Cycle Action Waiheke
- Held road closure event to promote permanent closure of coastal route to car traffic.
- National Cycleway: putting in application, going to Auckland City Council transport committee. Michelle Boag pushing the issue (crossing political boundaries, coffee networking). Waiheke is 35 minutes from downtown Auckland, accessible to international visitors. Barb Cuthbert liaises over coffee with roading engineer, now keen to deliver cycling projects.
- Group ride for thank-you to supportive roading engineer, following on from direct action last year. Better to follow up direct action by making a win for people who did it.
Bike! Whangarei
- LTCCP process ignored walking and cycling, frustration led to emulate Bike Taupo and initiate bike trail building.
- Volunteer and sponsored construction firms, putting a link on Raununga Stream, Hospital and Polytech to downtown. 500m strategic link.
- Walking and Cycling Reference group has become an action group. Done consultation with property owners by volunteers, property developer (alliances across political boundaries). Got councillors to working bee.
- National cycleway: new people (e.g. economic development) want to push this. Identifying many possibilities in Whangarei.
- Police on bikes: have 4 bikes, training. Get experience from Australia?