CAN Do 2009 Local Groups 4: Cycle Aware Wellington, Kapiti Cycling, Active Transport Cambridge and Te Awamutu

Cycle Aware Wellington

  • Great Harbour Way: Boffa Miskell consultants have done a concept report. Ride held as part of the climate change day of action. Wellington and Hutt City Councils have submitted funding applications to NZTA.
  • Wellington City Council Cycling Plan: funding cut reversed, advisory group formed, has a say in spending on infrastructure.
  • Speed limits: 30 km/h limits being introduced in some areas.
  • Newtown: Safer Roads plan: 40 km/h limits on suburban streets, advanced stop boxes.
  • Bikes on trains/ buses: bikes on trains now travel free (but this led to limits of 2 bikes per train). New train units have more space. Bikes on bus initiatives e.g. Karori.
  • Bikeability training.

Kapiti Cycling

  • Have a very good council to work with at present.
  • First cycleway/walkway/bridleway strategy has been completed.
  • 10 new bike stands installed in a retail upgrade at Paraparaumu Beach.
  • New foot/cycle bridge over Waikanae River.
  • Promise of 30 km/h zone in a retail precinct- though some opposition from engineers.
  • NZTA proposal to link Kapiti communities (MacKays Crossing to Peka Peka): to take local traffic off SH1- but this was subsequently stymied. Conflict of interest problems with consultants?
  • Memorial ride for Frank van Kampen.

Active Transport Cambridge and Te Awamutu

  • Currently consists of two people (Rob Love, John Maclaren).
  • Submissions: local council, Safer Journeys, National Infrastructure Plan.
  • Some useful films being shown at present- The Age of Stupid, Food Inc.
  • A culture change is needed before widespread change will occur.