CAN Do 2009 Session 1: Where to for CAN?

Glen introduced the restructuring plan and reviewed existing CAN structure- somewhat mixed up connections/roles, and a lot of work for exec. Review of CAN's reasons for being. Need to separate governance and operations roles. Question about need for portfolio coordinator role. Implementation tasks needed- restructuring, business case for funding, communications, develop central govt lobbying/ relationships plan.


  • is the portfolio coordinator like a CEO in other organisations? This role is generally not optional. Hard to make it work as voluntary role.
  • need to coordinate response at local level
  • portfolio coordinator role may need central govt funding
  • could CAN take on more of a role as 'advisors' rather than 'advocates'? 'Public face' role could be taken by BikeNZ?
  • Dirk: portfolio coordinator isn't a CEO, more an administrative role.