This is a book in which the webmasters of CAN and the regional cycling advocacy groups can record notes about their experiences migrating their sites from various platforms into the CAN Drupal framework. Each site should have a chapter, and each chapter can be broken down into multiple sections as desired by the webmasters involved.
Regional site webmasters (who should request from the CAN webmaster to become part of the "migration" group if they are not already) can create a new "Book Page" for their particular diary. They should title it as "[name of group] Migration Diary" so that there's some consistency. It's parent should be the "Webmaster Migration Diaries". In the body of that page, they can provide an introduction for their particular site - it might be nice to include:
Then they can add additional book pages to record the activities for each migration-related session, making them children of their site diary chapter. They should list problems/challenges faced, external resources they consulted (provide links if possible), and solutions they found.
All the site-specfic chapters are listed below.