Membership Secretary

Membership is critical to CAN. From it we get credibility, income, access to people's ideas, skills, time and energy, and the opportunity to inform people. The Membership Secretary role is crucial in helping CAN maintain up-to-date membership records.

The Membership Secretary is appointed by the Executive. It is not essential for the postholder to also be on the Executive.


  • manage and maintain CAN membership records.  Records of member details (and external contacts) are held in the CiviCRM contact relationship management system, an online database integrated with the CAN website.


  • process new memberships (received from the Secretary or direct via the CAN website): add details to CiviCRM database if needed, add to relevant groups (CAN Network, e.CAN, Chainlinks, and local groups if appropriate)- or transfer to local group if the group maintains its own membership database (Auckland, Kapiti, Wellington)
  • generate Chainlinks mailing list for Mailouts Co-ordinator
  • generate numbers of Chainlinks magazines required for printing and advise Chainlinks Editor (includes collating numbers of Chainlinks magazines required by self-administering local advocacy groups)
  • send membership renewal notices to members via e-mail
  • prepare membership renewal notices for posting to members with Chainlinks, and final reminder notices
  • contact lapsed members to encourage them to renew (or find out why they're not renewing)
  • remove lapsed members from membership database
  • update member details (e.g. changes of address) as required
  • generate up-to-date membership lists for CAN-administered local advocacy groups as required
  • generate summary statistics of membership numbers as required
  • query membership database as required to identify members in local areas (e.g. where no local advocacy group exists yet)
  • maintain details of local advocacy groups in the membership database
  • maintain privacy of members' personal information as required by legislation

Desired qualities/experience:

  • well organised
  • familiarity with databases an advantage
  • Internet access


  • CAN Executive

Support/working relationships:

  • the Executive can provide help and advice

Time commitment:

  • approximately 2-3 hours per week


  • appropriate expenses paid (e.g. stationery, toll calls)
  • annual gift ($50 voucher from selected stores)
  • furthering a good cause and working with great people

[updated July 2011]