
The Secretary occupies a crucial role within CAN. The Secretary is directly elected by members at the AGM and is a member of the Committee (formerly known as the Executive).

The contents of the role description for CAN Committee members are relevant to the Secretary. The following additional information applies:


  • manage incoming communications (mostly emails)
  • record minutes at meetings
  • act as a contact point for CAN as required
  • manage CAN documents and records
  • respond to letters and emails


  • clear incoming e-mail preferably daily
  • respond to general enquiries from the public where possible
  • check incoming newsletters from other organisations for items of interest
  • distribute incoming mail and e-mail to other Committee members or other CAN office holders as required (e.g. membership subscriptions and renewals, merchandise orders, calls for submissions, requests for specialist advice, Chainlinks/ e.CAN material)
  • store and back up CAN documents and records, and make them available to Executive members as needed
  • record and distribute minutes for Committee meetings and other events (e.g. AGM, Committee workshops, CAN Do)
  • act as signatory on official documents as required

Desired qualities/experience:

  • some knowledge of CAN's purpose and activities
  • well organised
  • Internet and phone access


Support/working relationships:

  • Committee

Time commitment:

  • varies during the year, but averages 3-6 hours per week


  • Working with a great bunch of people in an area of social change.