Minutes of CAW meeting 4 November 2014

Minutes of CAW meeting 4 November 2014

Present: James (chair), Sridhar, Nelson,  Brian, Ron, Paula, Ian, Andy, Patrick, Carol, Mark, Simon, Jill, Hilleke, Jonathan, Linda, Sean, Peter, Alastair (minutes)

Roll on Wellington Awards

These will be presented at the 2 December meeting. 


  • Favourite bike shop
  • Most bike-friendly shop (not a bike shop) (new category this year)
  • Most bike-friendly café
  • Fail of the year
  • Best cycling infrastructure
  • Most bike-friendly employer
  • Favourite commercial driver or public transport personality
  • Best anything you like bike

Voting will be through an online survey, up to 24 November. Ron and Jill organising. Suggestions: poster to publicise, provide certificate for business to display.


Ron talked about his experiences at the Nelson 2WalkAndCycle conference, and the Via Strada Planning and Design for Cycling workshop. [notes, and Ron’s presentation, attached]

Paula reported on Walk 21, the international walking conference held in Sydney. [notes attached]

Security for Bikes

There has been a  flurry of bike thefts reported on Facebook. James showed a relatively economic U lock from Kathmandu. Suggest we tell newbie cyclists how to lock bikes effectively.

Rants and Raves:

Simon: has been looking at the Black Spot Google map (which is now quite old). Suggests we need a 3.0 version, taking advantage of real time data, and trend to open data.

James: attended Hack Miramar, included projects based on access to real time data from traffic sensors around CBD, public transport usage. Need for more data on cyclists may be addressed by prototype relatively cheap cycling/walking counters demonstrated at hackathon.

Cycle touring in Iceland.

Sean  reported on his recent trip to Iceland. The country is promoting cycle tourism, and encouraging free camping. He had a map specifically for cycling, with roads coded by traffic, steepness etc, 

Sean's photos and blog are online.

Karori by bike

Sridhar spoke about this community lead project to improve cycling in Karori. Being driven by Makara Peak supporters to encourage people to bike rather than drive to park . More about cycling within Karori than from CBD to Karori. Sridhar would like one or two other CAW people involved.

Wellington cycling network

Ron suggested that we have a workshop to come up with the priority with which we campaign for routes. WCC engaged Opus who defined 19 routes, but this didn't include the CBD. Ron will coordinate the development of strategy and planning for the network.


Alastair reported that permission has been granted for road closures for 8,15 February and 8 March for Miramar Peninsula Ciclovias. Funding for traffic management etc still has to be confirmed.

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