
Bike to the Future presentation at Aurecon 20 Oct 2015

Bike to the Future
Biking is on the up.
The Government and councils are investing $350 million in cycling over the next three years.
The NZ Cycle Trails and mountain bike parks are attracting more people to hop on a bike.
Bikes outsell cars.
But it can still be scary to ride to work in busy traffic.
How can you stay safe? Where are the best places to ride? What kit do you need? Can you ride two abreast? What do those green boxes at traffic lights mean? What is a sharrow? Will cycling really make me fit and happy?

Travel Behaviour Change

Travel Behaviour Change (TBhC) Programmes provide positive incentives for people to utilise sustainable modes of travel and aim to encourage travel behaviour change. TBhC programmes generally employ education and marketing based approaches which aim to educate and inform people about alternative travel choices. TBhC works with people who are particpating on a voluntary basis and emphasise the individual and community benefits of 'smart travel' behaviour and environmentally friendly travel modes.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Cyclecraft: the complete guide to safe and enjoyable cycling for adults and children

Authoritative UK book on how to ride a bike. 

* Now targeted at both adults and children, with special advice for parents

* Reflects experience gained through implementation of Bikeability, the National Cycle Training Standard

* Restructured to present a more effective teaching order, with more detailed advice on the basics of starting to cycle

* Updated for current bike styles and equipment

* New chapters on carrying children and goods and riding with others

Reviews here

Taxonomy upgrade extras: